Meet Peikko Production People - Peikko Germany

Last year we were introducing a few of our Engineers, representing various Peikko Units. And this year we want to focus on our production people – the hands, which make Peikko products and carry the final responsibility for making our Customers happy with our quality.

We will be introducing people from different Peikko Production Units and in this article please meet Nora Sude and Dennis Oster from Peikko Germany.


When did you start in Peikko and what is your job in Peikko about? 

I started working at Peikko Deutschland GmbH in Waldeck on September 1, 2015 as a machine cleaning employee. I very quickly decided to do a two-year apprenticeship as a machine and plant operator. For me, this meant going back to school, writing class tests and learning. Since successfully completing my training, I have been working as a machine operator on the Biglia CNC automatic lathe. My tasks are setting up, operating, final inspection of the products and cleaning the machine. 

What do you like most about your job?

​I can use my acquired knowledge every day and I am still learning something new. I like working with the team. 

What is going well in your team that you would like to mention? 

All colleagues are very helpful, and we are happy to do private activities together when the pandemic allows it again. 

What was the biggest challenge in your Peikko work so far and how did you solve it? 

My training as a machine and plant operator. I had to solve the big school challenges like reading drawings and understanding and applying technical mathematics. During my apprenticeship I got to know and operate a variety of existing machines at Peikko. Part of the apprenticeship were the challenging projects "Four Wins" and "Model Solar Airplane" which I enjoyed very much. I was able to create something with my hands and take it home. Through Peikko, I also participated in different seminars such as Planning and controlling projects professionally. Together with other trainees, we were assigned to make a film about our apprenticeships. The result of our film project can be seen on the homepage

What are your biggest interests outside working life? 

My family, I have a husband and an 8-year-old son. We often go for walks in the forest and play board games with my parents. I like to paint adult coloring books with colored pencils or create Diamond Paintings. For this you need a canvas, a painting pen and diamonds and wax. 

 Nora Sude, Machine Operator in Peikko Germany


When did you start in Peikko and what is your job in Peikko about?​ 

I started as a robot programmer at Peikko Deutschland GmbH on January 1, 2018 and after 2 months I already became a foreman for the new automatic lathes for MODIX® production. In the meantime, I am deputy production manager, and my areas of responsibility are personnel planning and work scheduling. I am the contact person for problems, responsible for purchasing tools and responsible for meeting production deadlines. I am also involved in the planning and acquisition of new machines.  

What do you like most about your job? 

I like flexible working and facing new challenges every day. I enjoy the positive interaction with my colleagues. Constantly dealing with errors that occur on the machines in production bring me new challenges every day. 

What projects or products that you worked on were/are the most interesting for you? 

The most interesting and biggest project was the forging plant of the Schmale company for the production of PSB®. It was a big investment, and I was involved almost from the beginning. I got to know the machine step by step and was in close contact with the manufacturer. With my colleague Nick Wissels, we analyzed faults and set up the machine. I was able to contribute and learn a lot during the project. We have a good order situation in the PSB® sector and that is nice. 

What was the biggest challenge in your Peikko work so far and how did you solve it? 

The biggest challenge for me was taking over the area of automatic lathes as a non-trained machinist. Here I entered completely new territory and learned CNC programming on my own. The department had to be restructured and the tool concept changed. In the process, I selected manufacturers for tools, tested tools and alternatives. I was very happy about the great trust that the management placed in me. 

What are your biggest interests outside working life? 

My friends and family. I like to get together with friends for game nights and barbecues. Camping holidays together at the lake Edersee or cycling with the e-bike are a good balance and a lot of fun for me.

Dennis Oster, Deputy Production Manager in Peikko Germany

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